Saturday, April 10, 2010

Learning Japanese - First Post

Hi! I am creating this blog to help me learn Japanese, and to share what I learn with everyone else.

Here is my background in Japanese. My father lived in Japan for several years in the '60s, so I've always been interested in Japan. I love Japanese art, culture, and Japanese language. The first animes I saw as a teenager were Fist of the North Star and Vampire Hunter D which made a big impression on me. I saw Japanese cartoons as a kid, and I loved Pokemon the first time I saw it. Now I run an anime club, I try to keep up with trends in anime, and I really love the book Japan Ai.

I came up with the idea to become fluent in Japanese while I was watching Howl's Moving Castle yesterday. I'm going to use books, like the Japanese textbook I still have from the Japanese 101 class I took at Georgia State a few years ago (but forgot most of), Manga University books like Kanji de Manga, movies, audiobooks, Rosetta Stone, and the internet. I may watch the Irasshai videos, too. Please let me know if anyone knows of any other resources, besides schools. I don't have time to actually go to school at the moment since I am a full-time librarian.

So, here is some of what I know so far about Japanese.

The language is called Nihongo.

Nihon is Japan - The sun's origin, like their flag.

Onegai Simasu (shee-mahs) or Kudasai mean please.

Watasi wa (wah-tashee wah) means I am.

Hello can be (taken from Yahoo!)

"Mornings...Ohayo (ohio), but more formal would be Ohayo gozaimasu (go-zeye-mahs).



Answering the phone...Moshi moshi, a more slang way of saying it would be mosh mosh.

“Long time no see” is commonly said – Sashiburi (sa-she-bu-ree)

Goodbye is Sayonara, of course.

(From In Japan blog)

The casual way of saying goodbye is Ja-ne (like jar-neigh!)

Japanese people will also say “bai – bai” can you imagine how this is pronounced? (Pro-tip: Bye bye)

If it’s very late then you will be more likely to say “Good Night” this is “Oyasuminasai” (Oi!-ya-sue-me-naa-sa-eye).

Wow! That is a lot of information already, and I do not know it 100% yet. I do know some other words, though. I certainly have a long way to go!! When I can call myself an intermediate student of Japanese, I think I will take a trip there. That will be so cool! :)

- Aya

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